All those beautiful photos were taken by my sister Anik. I think I will hire her to take pictures for my blog!

I spent a week in Montreal followed by four days in Abitibi at my father’s house where there was a surprise birthday + retirement party for Suzanne, my step mom. And a brunch, and a dinner, etc.!  On the last picture, you can see her present: a beautiful painting from Ariane Ouellet. Looking at it, you feel like a bubble finding its way up in the water. The movement in it is very graceful, light and uplifting. Ariane is an artist living and working in Abitibi-Témiscamingue. You can see more of her work over here.

It was also the first time that my sister and I drove to Abitibi, all alone like grownups! We usually take the bus or are passengers with friends or family. It is a seven hour drive to get to Rouyn from Montreal. The temperature was ideal for a long drive except for that tiny snow storm that showed up an hour before we arrived at our destination.

I had a great time but it feels so good to be back home again. I feel the need to take a long walk in the forest and to draw. Those two things keep me grounded and a bit more “zen”!