

We had to move back to Montreal last October. I much prefer the countryside to the city, but I tried my best at seeing the positive sides, like living closer to friends and family, getting a lot more choices for all sorts of services, and also, access to ceramic...
La Datcha’s new skin

La Datcha’s new skin

I decided to start this year with a new skin and a slightly different organization for my blog. Cordonnier mal chaussé we say in French (poorly shod shoemaker): I spend so much time working on other people’s websites that I didn’t feel the urge to spend my evenings...
A new kid on the block

A new kid on the block

This is Alphonse… Passion: radioactive chocolate. Voici Alphonse… Passion : chocolat radioactif. Like an old 1950’s portrait À la façon d’un portrait des années 50 Cats have a slinky in place of a spine! Les chats ont un slinky à la place...
Adventures in my own backyard

Adventures in my own backyard

Cauliflowers are getting bigger and “pinker”. Frogs are taking refuge under the lettuces and zucchini plants. Cosmos at high noon Roupie is working his magic on a bamboo shoot. Kale right off the garden: in the tabbouleh with nasturtium flowers I am trying...
Saint-Jean Baptiste

Saint-Jean Baptiste

Celebrating Saint-Jean (Quebec’s national holiday) with friends These two have to sniff everything new. Ink, ecoline, watercolour and micron pen


It is now a diptych! But not done yet. *** Un diptyque en cours de route. Noémie picking daisies *** Noémie cueillant des marguerites Digitalis (Foxglove) *** Digitale The summer studio/office — furry accessory not included — where all the work is done these days....
Summer studio :-)

Summer studio :-)

We are almost done installing our outside dining & living room/work space/summer studio. I will show you more pictures later. As long as the temperature allows it, I will work outside, well protected under the screen house tent! The cats/foremen seem to approve of...
A party on our little lake

A party on our little lake

The composition above is my end result for the Brown Paper Bag’s Collage Scrap Exchange. It had been a while since I made a collage and had forgotten how hard it can be! So many choices… I tried a lot of combinations but ended up with a simple montage on...


The past weeks have been a bit intense with work, the moving to prepare and some personal matters. The moving part is almost over (a last step today), so that’s one down! I can’t wait for a week of vacation that could give me the look of Roupie in the...
In progress…

In progress…

Ecoline, ink and graphite on paper, work in progress… Some of the kale seeds survived winter Sweet peas are emerging and Roupie the Mittens is making his rounds. A lot of things that were dormant are starting to awaken. Summers are short around here so nature is...
Nature is awakening but Snow White is still sleeping

Nature is awakening but Snow White is still sleeping

Nature is slowly awakening; you can see spots of green here and there. Snow has almost all melted away so Roupie the Mittens decided to join us for our walks in the forest. And Belu still spends most of his days sleeping. We shall rename him Snow White. graphite on...