La Datcha’s new skin

La Datcha’s new skin

I decided to start this year with a new skin and a slightly different organization for my blog. Cordonnier mal chaussé we say in French (poorly shod shoemaker): I spend so much time working on other people’s websites that I didn’t feel the urge to spend my evenings...
A new kid on the block

A new kid on the block

This is Alphonse… Passion: radioactive chocolate. Voici Alphonse… Passion : chocolat radioactif. Like an old 1950’s portrait À la façon d’un portrait des années 50 Cats have a slinky in place of a spine! Les chats ont un slinky à la place...


My little creatures are ready for a party! I am quite sure they are dancing to “Love Shack”. Palais des congrès in Montreal, en route for a meeting… Palais des congrès, Montreal The beautiful work of Dominique Fortin Have a good...
Beasts: deconstructed + August’s wallpaper

Beasts: deconstructed + August’s wallpaper

Three new beasts for my bestiary, I hope I remember which part goes where when it’s time to glue things up!  **********   Trois nouvelles créatures pour mon bestiaire, j’espère me rappeler la bonne combinaison de pièces quand il sera temps de tout coller!...