Dans le parc de la Vérendrye

This photo was taken in the Réserve faunique La Vérendrye.
It looks like little pearls of pine gum or is it a mushroom that can perspire coffee? That would be like heaven for my boyfriend, a combo of two of his favourite things in the world.

Au mont Kékéko

Delicate mushroooms found on Mount Kekeko, they seem to be floating.

Au mont Kékéko

These were found on mount Kekeko as well, they look like bubble gum mushrooms!

Au chalet : lactaire indigo

This is the only one I can name here: lactarius indigo or indigo-milk mushroom in English (I think).
It is supposed to be edible but we did not try it.
I found it particularly beautiful, like a miniature upside down world.

Great hand drawn mushrooms: Amy Ross, Vladimir Stankovic
Now, Forager: “follows a Basque-American husband and wife across three seasons as they struggle to earn a living by hunting wild mushrooms and selling them to restaurants.”
Foraging and cooking Wild Mushrooms (a short video)
A thank you to my friend Chantal who sent me the last two links!

Have a good weekend!