Every summer in July, my boyfriend’s family gets together in the Eastern Townships. It’s a week of swimming, frog hunting (poor creatures), berry fruits picking, wild mushrooms picking and of course, eating.

There are five nephews and nieces to entertain and all of the activities above are enough to make them happy. However, this year we added something new: rock painting. We spent an hour choosing pebbles near the pond and in the path leading to the woods plus two afternoons painting our bounty. Here are some of the artworks created by the kids…

Atelier avec les flos / Having fun with the kids

I guess this activity will also become a classic, giving the frogs a well deserved break. But why don’t they swim far away when they see that the kids have arrived? Maybe they like the company…

No break for frogs - Pas de pause pour les grenouilles
I particularly like the jaded look of that last frog.

I must say I had as much fun as the kids painting rocks. Enough to hunt for more stones while hiking and enough to ask a friend who went to Gaspésie to bring me back a bag of pebbles. Which he did (thank you Marc!). There is enough to keep me going for a few months.

Galets de la Gaspésie - Pebbles from Gaspésie (Québec)
Pebbles from Gaspésie

Galets de la Gaspésie - Pebbles from Gaspésie (Québec)
Enough pebbles to experiment on for a few months!

Galets de la Gaspésie - Pebbles from Gaspésie (Québec)

Carefully broken pebbles by Andy Goldsworthy (one of my favourite artists).
